
Coding Articles

EyeCOR's experienced staff has written a number of technical articles and presentations on important topics regarding Medical Coding and Reimbursement. A synopsis of each article is noted below.
As a service to all doctors and their staff, we have made these available to everyone. 
You do not have to be an
EyeCOR client to request an article. 
Please click on each topic to forward a request for the full publication.

New Codes Replacing 92135 - Scanning Laser in 2011
In 2011 the original code 92135 for Scanning Laser (OCT, GDx, HRt) was deleted.  It was replaced by three new codes (92132, 92133 and 92134) which are specific to an Eye segment.  However, only a few regions have updated their LCDs.  Therefore, many doctors are not being reimbursed.  This article details all the changes, the change from Unilateral and the Mutually Exclusive aspect affects coding


Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRS)

EyeCOR has always contains and identified which diagnoses and Exams PQRS applies to.  Unfortunately, most practices are not reporting.  When PQRS reporting becomes mandatory and you do not report, you will loose a significant percentage of your reimbursement.  There has been significant changes in PQRS reporting in 2011 (including the change from PQRI to PQRS).  This article explains the new changes, how to report and why you should start now.


Choosing the Appropriate Exam Type
Provides detailed information about choosing the proper Exam type and how to Code Properly
Both the Ophthalmic (92xxx) and Evaluation and Management (992xx) exams are explained.


Glaucoma Severity Effects Frequency of Procedures

Many Ophthalmic procedures were previously allowed to be performed as many as four times per year for patients with Advanced Glaucoma damage.  Now CMS has restricted and in some cases eliminated certain procedures from being performed depending on the severity level of the patient.  This article identifies affected procedures as well as details the Medicare definition of the various severity levels.


Interpretation and Report

Over 30 Ophthalmic procedures require an Interpretation and Report.  However, 80% of doctors either do not complete a report or do not create it properly.  Many doctors consider these optional, they are required.  This document details the requirement, how to create the report and what not to do.  We also explain the very expensive ramifications of when you do not create a report.


Provider Enrolment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS)
Many doctors are not aware of the consequences of not enrolling as a Provider.
Failure to enroll will result in loss of reimbursement!  This article contains all the information you need to enroll.


President Obama signs 2.2% Medicare Increase
Details of Medicare increase and status of claims already filed.


Optometry Services Reinstated as Medi-Cal Covered Benefit

System changes were implemented July 26, 2010 to reinstate optometry services as a covered benefit for adult beneficiaries under the Medi-Cal program.  This article contains information about this important change for California Optometrists.

If you have any suggestions for additional topics please feel free to call or email EyeCOR.

EyeCOR and our Coding Experts are here to help you!!

Toll Free:  888-9-EYECOR


      EyeCOR by NTEON
      466 Main Street - Suite 7
      Harwich Port, MA 02646









"The staff loves EyeCOR for simplifying coding issues.
It has greatly reduced the amount of time spent coding and documenting records correctly.
As well as automatic posting of allowable Medicare for your area.
Even provides dropdown selections for instant I & R reports.
Due to correct coding and use of procedures, our reimbursements are up significantly.
You can't lose with this!"

Dr. John Leeth - Virginia